Sunday, September 28, 2008

Not Quite the Skull and Bones

Lookie what I learned today. Memphis has it's own not so secret group societies that celebrate with a carnival every year. It's going to take me a minute to reconcile my view of Memphis and the image of a bunch of adults secretly selecting a King, Queen, and Royal Court of Carnival Memphis.

I recognize that Carnival Memphis is mostly viewed as a dying tradition put on by a bunch elitest groups, but I bet the crab puffs are to die for.

Click here to learn about Carnival Memphis

Click here for current Royalty

Link to charities Carnival Memphis supports


Anonymous said...

So, are you one of the princessi this year? anyone you know? anyone you ever heard of? Are you invited to any of the parties? How about CBC? How bout Alan? As far as I know, me neither. Just shows how much we suck not being in the in-crowd!! Love you

Anonymous said...

There are two cotton carnivals cutie wootie. In typical Memphis fashion.I wish it could be all inclusive but then that would not make the kids at the cool table all that cool anymore.
(I say if you want to wear a pagent crown, big fluffy ruffly collar and have a 50's pagent hairdo, you are not all that kewl but what do i know?)

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Did you see the picture of the current royalty? Wow.

We should start our own carnival...or at least our own royalty selection process. :)