Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm no Mr. Cosby

Today I woke up with a desperate need for some sweet, slimy, orange goodness with little bits of fruit nestled in the middle. Yup. Jello. Specifically Kim Jello.

Our Kim (as Alan calls her) made Jello for us once and now she has her own side dish named after her here at the Christensen's. It's like going to Mel's and ordering a Flo on wheat with a side of fries.

Who can't make Jello? Who? Me! That's who! I really want to write that it's a gelatinous mess because that is such a cool phrase, but I can't lie. It's not a gelatinous anything. It's nothing but Kool Aid.

Well, I'm off to drink my Jello.

It finally set up into a yummy Jello Dream!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you finally got your jello! I can make the stuff, but I can't eat it. Add this to the list of my gag foods...

Anonymous said...

so. was velvetvalentine jumping around about fifteen minutes after the goodness of jello?