Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Seven of the ten eggs retrieved yesterday fertilized. Seven! This is such good news. Yesterday Dr. Kutteh had prepared us for a much less optimistic outcome.He said that he only counted on four eggs to be viable contenders for the title of "Beginning Existence for the Most Loved Baby EVER!" That's just the working title. We wanted to call it Seven but that's already the title of a scary little movie starring Brad Pitt.


Anonymous said...

Way to go little eggs and wigglers!! You do your parents proud. Stay strong and healthy and cleave to your mothers womb and grow into three big healthy babies!!! I can hardly wait to meet you, Babies Seven, your brother Seven and your other brother, Seven. Love to Mom and Dad, cg

Holding my Breath said...

Laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing because my mom typed the words "cleave" and womb"! I'm five!

And 10 points for the vague reference to the show Newhart. Good job! I love witnessing the roots for which I sprung!

Holding my Breath said...

Oh, and wigglers?!?!?! hahahaaaaa. I love you.

Anonymous said...

I love you, too. Mom