Monday, June 15, 2009


I lost the control key on my computer and the function key stopped working after it got drooled on, Grace Ann has a Cheerio stuck on her ear, and the baby has wedged himself between the stereo speaker and the TV stand.

It's a prelude to a perfect day.


Anonymous said...

pak n play...that's all i'm sayin

angy said...

Isn't all that normal, cause that sounds like a typical day here, only instead of Cheerios it's some kind of gummy snack or peanut butter. And the kid is usually stuck under the bed or behind the turtle tank.

Anonymous said...

O.T. but too funny. last night on the news there were two women who had tremendous (cell) bills due to txt messages. I think it was like nine bucks a day. They got this scam viris thingy after they took a FACEBOOK on -line (now don't laugh) I-Q test and results were only available if sent to their phone. WHen they opened the txt to see their score they opened up the gates to hell...i am still laughing. ooops there's a message on my phone excuse me...SQUING