Thursday, May 8, 2008

Back from Florida

We're finally back! It was a long trip filled with lots of naps. I just didn't feel much like vacationing. Morning sickness started full force to the point that for breakfast I could only eat a bagel with cream cheese with a side of pancakes.

I gained 6 lbs. I mostly think that's from the irregularity of bathrooming. That's code. You're going to have to figure it out for yourself. Here's a clue, first thing I did when I got home is eat a BIG bowl of shredded wheat with lots of milk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't drink too much milk...the doctors told me that milk can make you constipated. (Oh, sorry, I forgot to talk in code) Bananas are something else to stay away from until the plumbing is back to normal. I learned all kinds of stuff since Adam was born. He's had a problem with his plumbing since he was born. I've had to do things that should take a nursing degree... :)

I didn't know you were going to Florida! Did you go to Disneyworld?