Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We are Family

I was so lucky that my cousin Sherry grabbed my camera and recorded my mom and I dancing at my cousins wedding. Lucky not because we are such great dancers, but because my mom is the best family a girl could ever choose. I'm getting teary right now. It hits me so hard sometimes how close I came to never getting moments like this ever again.

I feel so incredibly lucky.


Anonymous said...

so so SO very nice! I love your mom. i love you. and might i say you look MAV a lus my dear.
pretty skye. pretty carol. you guys are just bokerip (i love that secret word of the day!)

Anonymous said...

I love you, too, my darling daughter! And don't forget, I almost missed having these moments ever again, too. Thanks, Sherry! Also thanks to the lighting director for making it sooooo dark I can't even tell which "dancer" is me!! and hopefully, neither can anyone else!! lol

Holding my Breath said...

I remember the moment very well and can pick us out perfectly. We are the ones in the center of the floor.

I wish we had cameras that video taped back when daddy and I were dancing many years ago at Pam's wedding.

I miss him so much.

kkoois said...


Anonymous said...

I love it when you share you with the rest of us.