Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I've been a turkey about writing lately...

And I blame it all on this. (and words with friends)

So please let me give you a big cyber hug and let you know we're all doing okay down here.

We celebrated the birthday of an amazing little boy...

Oops, the grown ups had that, the kids had this.

Doesn't Grams look pretty? She's the one on the right. Lilly is on the left.

We've been playing trains...

And building box forts...

And gardening...

And going to the park with friends....

And lots of arts and crafts.

Alan and C have been watching, football, basketball, baseball - whatever the sport is lately. GO KANSAS!!!!

Cortland found a new favorite candy is the Fun Dip I bought for Aunt Ciara. He asks for Green.

Sorry Aunt Ciara, I think it's all gone.

Looking at books is always a good excuse to prolong the time before a nap.

Grandma Texas ad Gigi always have the best toys but a bucket and water is the best.

Just a little touch of what Pumpkin is up to. Get it UP to?

It look splendid as a dress or a skirt.

Quick peek at Anthony, my niece's sweet little boy.

And last weekend we went to the aquarium with Lucas, Jaqueline and David.

Yup, two good shots of me in a row. I'm playing the lottery tomorrow.

Sleepy boys at dinner after the aquarium.

Roses from our garden last weekend.

Halloween. The pressing question is; Is he a dinosaur or a dinosaur rider? Please comment and let me know. I have a psychological poll going on right now. It's very scientific and will let you know what I find.


Brightfield Farm said...

YAY!!!! I say RIDER, You look beautiful, your mom and grandma and cierra look beautiful, great pics of my buddy, alan looks great and where is that rock park? It looks cool. LOVE the cake too! I miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Thank You! for the photos! They're awesome! Thanks for a peek into your lives! Thank God you are feeling better!! I was worried about you! Maybe if Santa brings you a new computer (hint-hint, Alan) it will be easier for you to post and you'll feel like doing it more often!! lol I'll be feasting on this post for now!! Love to you all, cg

Anonymous said...

P.S. I vote for rider, too!! What a darling costume! cg