Saturday, July 24, 2010


Would it have killed the builder to spend an extra $5k to make smooth walls as opposed to these stupid knock-down textured walls? I mean seriously, it would be an extra $5 per mortgage payment for whoever initially bought the house. But for me to fix these stupid bumpy-ish walls? Out of pocket, baby. Poopheads.

And bumpy ceilings, too? What else are they going to throw at me? Suckerfish.

In my best Barbie voice; Painting texture is harrrrrd!


Anonymous said...

i KNOW!!! and that damned ken wont help. i am starting the den tomorrow. bwa hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Man!! I know just what you mean!!!! That supposed-to-be-bumpy finish on the walls in the downstairs bathroom looks like it has mange!!! I don't know what the boys splashed on it (thank God!) that they had to wash so hard it took off all the bumps, but it looks like He-double-toothpicks!!! I'd love to just peel it all off and start over again with a flat surface!!! Love ya!1 cg