Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of School

Cortland just went skipping into his classroom for his first day of school. When I picked him up he gave his teacher a kiss goodbye. I think it's safe to say he had a great 1st day. As for me, I got most of the front flowerbeds weeded and cleaned house for 5 hours. Both things I've been needing to do, but weather and kid hampered.

1 comment:

Brightfield Farm said...

YAY!!!! Yeah. When I took ALi to her first day she freaking RAN to the door and never looked back. Sniff...YOU got things done. I sat in the bushes by the window watching her. Waiting. Waiting for her to realize OH NOES MY MOM IS NOT HERE! But nope. I wish I would have known you then i would have gotten a lot of stuff done with your gentle and wise guidance.