The Bad: The therapist noticed that he is a bit behind on fine motor skills and that his little tongue sticking out may be an indication that he's tongue-tied. She also said that his difficulty keeping food in his mouth and his lack of verbal sounds are other indications of being tongue-tied.
The Ugly: Not so ugly; Cortland will start having speech therapy and more in-depth physical therapy.
The Good: I found the book I loved so much when I was a kid. It's called The Terrible Troll-Bird. I must have checked it out of my elementary school library a hundred times. I love Amazon and their used book sale place!
The Bad: It's (a lot) more violent than I remember.
The Ugly: Regardless, we will still read the hell out of it. I love this book!
yeeessss it WAS disturbing. Almost like der struwwelpeter stories. LOVED the pictures! And don't worry. He'll be great!...tanya
So he wil have a sexy little lithp. Not the worst thing that could happen. Especially if it's correctable by the time he's elected President of the USA. lol
"The Terrible Troll-Bird"...What can I say?! It's worse that the Brothers Grimm by a country mile and that's saying something!! Sidebar: You will not believe it, but I was thinking about that very book this weekend!! and wondering where it is. I'm sure we still have it in some unmarked boxs on the mezanine of the garage..Maybe I'll go looking for it this's pretty cool outside today. That way Cortland can be traumatized at home and at Grandma Carol's!! Wish me luck in my quest! cg
Never heard of that book, you'll have to read it to me sometime.
He must not be too terribly tongue've breast fed very successfully, which is something most tongue ties don't do well without having their frenulum clipped! More about the book!
I don't think I know that book. Now I need to know it!
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