Tuesday, April 7, 2009


My dreams lately are incredibly detailed. They are like watching movies with plot twists and red herrings. My brain is writing stories without me. If only I could train my hand to take notes in my sleep.


angy said...

I know what you mean!

Anonymous said...

Me too! mine are in segments like framed animated sunday comics. weird.. love mom

J-Mom said...

I'm so glad you wrote this. Now do you play a part in your dreams, or do you direct your dreams? I have a lot of dreams where it is as if I am watching the movie, like a director or an audience. Occasionally I'm a participant. If only I could keep the details and translate into some kind of creative output. I know what you mean there.

Unknown said...

My dreams include me and they are very strange. I can usually remember the early morning dreams with great detail. People would not believe me if I wrote them down!