Monday, November 5, 2012

Poops and Heritage

Much blog fodder in a three minute timeframe.

MOMMY: Who has poops?

CORTLAND: Me! I have poops! Jesus poops.

MOMMY: Well, yes. I imagine Jesus pooped.

A couple seconds later...

MOMMY: Oh Cortland! You have MAN poops. ***gaggaggag***

MOMMY: Your Grandpa Gunn had poops that smelled awful like this. You got this trait from him. You never met him, but boy did his poops stink.... You would have liked him.

CORTLAND: Did he like corn? I have Man Poops!

MOMMY: Yeah. Oh joy.

As a Matter of Written Record:

If a day is missed the 30 days DOES NOT start over, the missing day just gets tacked onto the end.

Heh, it's in writing so it can't be changed, Alan. Ha!

1 comment:

Brightfield Farm said...

Note the Ravelry message. We are scarry!
And pooping is good. My grandma had a nice insult involving poop "Na SHRAm sheh". You have my permission to use it.
love you guys and please please never change your ravelry pic with the c'ster on your shoulder. i LOVE it.